Homeschool, Moose Academy Private Homeschool

Book Club

Each week Micah has been involved with this great little book club. You can find more information about the book club Homeschool Help Desk. They currently have openings on Wednesday. They offer these virtual book clubs for Little Readers 4-7 and Big Kids 6-11.

Each week they will have a new book to read. In this group they have been reading the Magic Tree House series. You read the whole book that week. They send questions for your child to answer about the book. You usually get all information 5-7 days before book club meeting.

When book club day arrives, you get to join other kids and discuss the book they have just finished, for the first half of the meeting. Then during the second half you have the choice to join in on the craft or do some of the printable they have sent or just draw freely. The craft supply list and printable are sent to you via e-mail prior to book club day. They also have plenty of time at the end of the meeting for just fun kid discussions.

This is a really fun social educational group for kids who love to read or even need a little more practice with reading comprehension.

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